




Nix Premium Metal 2-Sided Comb

Original price was: $8.90.Current price is: $7.12.

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SKU: AOQV24QB8EDH Category:

Nix Premium Metal 2-Sided Comb

From #1 pediatrician-recommended lice removal brand

Nix Premium 2-sided metal detangling and lice removal comb is the most effective tool for removing lice and their eggs (nits) from scalp and hair.

The dual sided nit comb design features sturdy metal prongs with a fine-tooth side that easily removes head lice and eggs, and a wide-tooth side that combs out tangles and knots for a no fuss lice removal treatment. The handle is designed with comfort and practicality in mind to ensure an easy combing experience while keeping your fingers far away from hair to prevent lice infestations from spreading.

Nix Premium 2-sided metal comb can be used for

  • Removal of dead lice and nits after using Nix Crme Rinse treatment (for best results)
  • Removal of lice with meticulous combing every 3-4 days over a two-week period to disrupt lice life cycles for chemical free treatment
  • Locating lice and their eggs to diagnose infestation
  • Detangling hair before using lice crme treatment for hair thats easy to manage without risking spreading lice to household combs.

Can You Get Rid of Lice Just by Combing?

Using a fine-toothed comb to treat lice is a viable non-chemical solution to head lice. However, it takes two weeks to eradicate lice and requires periodic combing every 3-4 weeks. In a household with prolonged close contact with multiple members, this method may not be practical as a single live louse can cause re-infestation. For non-chemical treatment, use conditioner instead of Nix Gel and follow combing directions once every 3-4 days for two weeks.

Nix Metal Comb does not kill lice on it’s own and is intended for removal purposes only. For the quickest way to treat head lice, use with additional lice treatments such as Nix Crme Rinse and Nix Lice and Egg Removal Gel.

Trusted by mothers and feared by lice everywhere!

Nix Premium 2-Sided Metal Lice Comb is for use on scalp and head hair and is safe for treatments of children 2 months and older.


Follow these steps carefully for effective removal of lice from your household:

  • Washwith shampoo and treat hair using Nix Crme Rinse, then use the wide teeth to remove tangles from damp hair.
  • ApplyNix Gel to keep hair damp and facilitate ease of removal.
  • Part the hair into four sections while making sure to keep hair damp and prevent it from drying while working.
  • Combusing the fine teeth as close to the scalp as possible (this is where lice lay their eggs) with steady, even strokes away from the scalp towards ends of hair.
  • Clean frequently while working. Wipe away dead adult lice and nits with a tissue and discard them in a plastic bag to prevent re-infestation.
  • Pincompleted sections of hair up in a manner that keeps them away from areas that have not been worked on yet. This is to prevent nits from contaminating the cleaned areas.
  • Checkthe scalp for any remaining nits and lice with a magnifying glass and repeat combing steps if necessary.
  • Cleanclothing worn at any time during or before treatment as well as bed sheets and pillowcases using HOT cycles, or place clothes and/or Nix Comb in a sealed plastic bag for 10 days for reuse.
  • Recheck affected scalp(s) daily to ensure the lice infestation is completely eradicated.


These statements have not been evaluated by Health Canada or the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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